


Rules for the purchase and use of tickets

I. General Information
1. In the Republic of Lithuania and in other countries with Internet connection, via on-line ticket sale system, one can purchase the tickets and gift-certificates (hereinafter - the GC) to the observation platform (s) of the TV Tower of Vilnius (hereinafter - the TVT) and to the TVT events. Payments shall be performed via the payment system www.paysera.lt. The proposed payment methods shall encompass majority of e-banking services of the banks of Lithuania and credit cards.

II. Tickets and GC Purchase Rules of www.bilietai.tvbokstas.lt
1. The visitor purchasing the ticket / GC via www.bilietai.tvbokstas.lt must make sure that they have selected the necessary service category and number of tickets or GC.
2. When purchasing the tickets / GC, one need not select persons up to 4 years of age. They shall be admitted free-of-charge to the TVT at checkpoints.
3. Having selected the tickets / GC, the visitor must input the data required by the system, check the basket information, make sure that it is correct and consent to the conditions for purchasing and using TVT tickets and GC in order to perform the payment.
4. If invoice is needed, please contact us via email: [email protected]. The electronic invoice will be generated in accordance to the submitted natural or legal person’s data provided to us. It will be forwarded to the E-Mail address indicated by the visitor.
5. The payment shall be performed via credit cards and the payment system Klix.
6. Having received an answer about successful payment, e-tickets / e-gift certificates shall be forwarded to the visitor to the indicated E-Mail address.

III. Rules for Using the Tickets and GC
1. The visitors shall be allowed in to the TVT observation platform(s) or to the TVT event only after submitting the ticket, which was purchased at the TVT cash register or on the website www.bilietai.tvbokstas.lt.

2. Having purchased the e-ticket / e-gift certificate and arrived to the TVT, the visitor must submit at the checkpoint the printed e-ticket / e-gift certificate or the e-tickets / e-gift certificates QR code, which can be found on their mobile device. The visitor shall be responsible for the mobile internet and/or other methods of opening the QR code.

3. The ticket / GC shall be valid only for the purpose stated on it or for the event on a specific date, time and number of visitors. The visitor, who left the TVT, shall not be allowed in with the same ticket / GC.
4. If the ticket was purchased with a discount, at the checkpoint the visitor must submit a personal document or other document proving the right to a discount. If the visitor cannot submit such document, the ticket can't be validated.
5. The tickets shall not be changed and the moneys refunded, save for those cases when the visit could not be had or event did not happen through the fault of the TVT.

6. GC are not exchangeable, and no refund is given, unless the visitor withdraws from the contract after purchasing the GC remotely (i.e. returns the purchased and unused GC) within 14 days from the purchase date in accordance with Article 6.228 (10) of the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania. In no case will the visitor be refunded after using the GC and receiving the services specified by the GC.

7. The ticket / GC purchased on the TVT e-shop shall be valid as long as indicated on them or in the information provided at the time of purchase. The validity of the ticket / GC may be extended, if the visitor could not attend through the fault of the TVT. The TVT shall determine the duration of extension.

8. If the visit to the TVT was not possible or the event did not happen through the fault of the TVT:
8.1 the tickets / GC purchased at the cash register may only be returned at the cash register. In order to take back the moneys paid, one must submit the purchased tickets / GC and the purchase cheque at the cash register.
8.2 One may return the tickets / GC purchased via www.bilietai.tvbokstas.lt by forwarding the request and the e-ticket / e-gift certificate to the E-Mail: [email protected].